Friday, October 21, 2016

Blog #4: That Blog Over There Is Love

BIG BOLD NOTE: The show dates are Thursday November 10th, Saturday November 12th, Friday November 18th, and Saturday November 19th at 8pm, as well as on Sunday November 13th and 20th at 2pm. Tickets ARE OFFICIALLY ON SALE NOW. Pricing information, as well as tickets for our fundraiser party at Nocello's on October 23rd and other information, can be found here at our theatre's website.

Blog #4: That Blog Over There Is Love

Written by: Justin Murphy

Date of Rehearsals Written: 10/17, 10/18, and 10/20

Location: Northport-East Northport Community Theatre

    Welcome back to our fourth blog of NCT's upcoming production of Miracle on 34th Street, which opens now in...20 days?! That's not even three weeks anymore! AAAAAAAAAAH!

    The first rehearsal this week featured everyone who had speaking parts in act 1 at the moment.  Little additional things were added to certain scenes.  However, Donna was unavailable for the evening, so no songs were worked on.  Almost every scene in act 1 was worked on, minus some scenes that had actors missing, as well as some parts of the show that had yet to be cast.  Plus, a few ticket orders were filled out, as this rehearsal was the first one where tickets were now officially on sale. 

    The second rehearsal this week was similar to the first except that it was now everyone who had speaking parts in act 2.  Other actors were plugged into the courtroom scenes, including Noel Dillon as Tammany (for half of the shows) and James Roche as the Bailiff.  Jim also blocked a lot of the courtroom scenes during this rehearsal, adding plenty of comedic moments to the courtroom scenes, especially during Mr. Macy's song number in the courtroom.  Donna was available for this rehearsal, so we worked on some songs this evening, such as the aforementioned "That Man Over There".  I don't dare spoil how the song ends, but it's a pretty darn funny moment (and a darn good song).

    The third rehearsal this week only involved Fred, Doris, and Suzie, so I couldn't cover it.  (It was originally planned to be a choreography rehearsal for the full cast, but this was changed, presumably either because they needed the night for scene work or because the choreographer wasn't available, however, there will be a choreography rehearsal this upcoming week).  However, the fourth and final rehearsal this week involved the entire cast.  One scene was focused on during this night, the "title"* song of the show: Here's Love, as well as the scene surrounding it.  First we rehearsed the song a bit, as it had been a little while since we had worked on the song.  Then we worked on stage in shifts.  First the adults were plugged into the scene before the song starts (as well as during the song).  A few shopper lines were also handed to some of the cast members, with a bit of Jim's trademark comedic timing thrown in regarding how some of the lines would be delivered.  Then the kids were blocked into separate sections of the song, along with the adults  (with the exception of the Suzies, who spent their time working on their scenes separately for most of the night, then were plugged into the scene later).  The number still isn't finished (as our choreographer won't be able to work on the scene until next week), but it looks fantastic so far, and it's only going to get better!

    A few other things happened during this week.  Our costumer, Courtney, was here this evening and working a lot with people again, helping them figure out what costumes to buy and what she would need for people to rent.  In addition, I was informed by Donna and by our producer Bette, that we would be working next week on the only as-of-yet untouched scene in Act Two: Scene 3, the scene with the song number "We Got Trou-I MEAN, "She Hadda Go Back"**.  The song number is performed by Fred and his three marine buddies, who were now officially cast and would be played by Rich Lau (Mr. Macy), John Morale (Mr. Gimbel), and...I don't remember his name, but that loser who's playing the D.A.

    Next week will be a very long and eventful one. There will be four rehearsals during the week, three of which will be covered here, as well as our big all-day rehearsal next Saturday and our Barnes & Noble event on Sunday, the 30th!  Once again, this upcoming Sunday, the 23rd, is NCT's 15th anniversary Celebration/Halloween Party at Nocello's at 5 pm.  Seats are still available and Donna will be there for anyone who wants to sing something (and especially for those who want to sing an opposite gender song, which I totally will be taking part in.  What am I singing?...You'll have to come to the party to find out!)  Tickets are on sale and we're less than 3 weeks away, order your tickets now to see it!

"I don't get just don't get it." - Movie equivalent of Mrs. Finfer

*: The original title of the musical of "Miracle on 34th Street" was "Here's Love".  Again, you say that's crazy? Well maybe it's only a little crazy like painters or composers or some of those men in Washington.

**: The song "She Hadda Go Back" has a similar feel to "We Got Trouble" from "The Music Man", which was also written by Meredith Wilson.

NOTE: As of October 20th, Meaghan Maher has withdrawn from the production.  We wish her the best in all of her future endeavors.

Kris Kringle: Lawrence Palevsky
Doris Walker: Chelsea Brown
Susan Walker: Annabelle Deaner/Grace Sewell
Fred Gailey: James Reiss/Dave Curtis
Mr. Marvin Shellhammer: Justin Autz
Mr. R.H. Macy: Rich Lau
Judge Meredith*** Group/Troubled Type 2: Suzie Lustig
D.A. Thomas Mara/Steven the Balloon Vendor: Why can't I for the life of me remember this guy's name?!
Tammany O'Halloran/Glass Lady: Patsy Van Dyke
Tammany O'Halloran/Ford Clerk: Noel Dillon
Mrs. Sawyer/Troubled Type: Kathy Lau
Miss Crookshank: Samantha Schoeps
Hendrika: Lily Eagen/Carlie Rees
Hendrika's Foster Mother: Judy Avena/Barbara Schulman
Harry Finfer: Jude Centamore/Michael Deaner
Mrs. Finfer: Michelle Centamore/Elise Autz
Thomas Mara Junior: Jacob Karp/Kieran Brown
Mr. Gimbel/Man Shopper: John Morale
Mary (had a little lamb)/The Mayor of New York City: Joel Ackerman
Inebriated Santa Claus/Yankees Clerk: Rich Rowehl
Hat Thieving Kid: Andrew Geres
Majorettes: Alyssa Infranco and Riley Gayer
The Governor of New York: Joe Centamore
Clara: Tess Robinson
Bailiff: "Montauk" James Roche
Young Women Shoppers: Katlyn Reller/Jillian Graci
Woman Shopper: Kate Smith
Alvin, Whitey, and Climber: John Morale, Rich Lau, and whoever's playing the D.A. (NOTE: THESE ROLES ARE CAST, BUT WHO IS PLAYING WHICH PART HAS NOT YET BEEN DETERMINED)

The following Roles as of yet are not cast (or are cast and I have yet to confirm who is cast as them)

***: The original name of the character is Judge Martin Group.  When the role was cast as a female, the name was changed, at the actress's request, to Meredith, as a tip of the hat to Meredith Wilson.

Miss Sims, a nurse
Murphy, a night watchman
Man Shopper and his Wife
Two Policemen
Tall Dame Girl Scout
Mrs. Beeler, the housekeeper
Marines, Parade Spectators, and Christmas Shoppers
Toy Ballet Sequence Characters

THE FOLLOWING CAST MEMBERS HAVE YET TO BE GIVEN A SPECIFIC PART AS OF 10/21/16 (Or they have and I don't know if they've been given a part yet)


Owen LaBruna
Anthony Shah
Nathan Zarko


Kellsey Roy
Linda Scott


Julie Barbier
Juliette Bonchonsky
Maya Burget
Goldie Centamore
Bella Donneruno
Maggie Fitzmaurice
Jennifer Golder
Quincy Jackson
Arianna Keating
Grace Keating
Amelia Lau
Juliet Morale
Grace Rowan
Ashley Rowehl
Amelia Semple
Emily Shah
Ella Smith
Emily Starin
Clare Vogt
Fallon Young
Lacey Zaharis

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